Begin your professional career as an Agent of Change for your country
Alumni from UNIF have great results on the job market in Haiti. 87% of our alumni have paying employment, sought higher education, or are successfully self-employed. This includes:
In organizations like the Banque Nationale de Crédit, Fonkoze, Save the Children, FLM, and Swiss Red Cross.
Working in public sector with Minister of National Education, Minister of Agriculture, or as mayors (CASEC) or judges (Magistrates).
Obtained master’s degrees in Haitian universities as well as in the USA (Virginia Tech), Belgium (Université Libre de Bruxelles), and Brazil (Universidad Estadual de Ponta Grossa).
Working as entrepeneurs in their communities of origin.
UNIF seeks students of high moral character who will be dedicated to changing their country and who make a commitment to return to their community of origin to provide service there post-graduation.